Health data tells us that many people in our city are suffering from tooth decay or living with other health conditions that are closely linked to eating too much sugar. This sparked the creation of our ‘Sheffield is Sweet Enough’ campaign and everything you see on this website. It also helped us publish our first ever low-sugar cookbook!

The Sheffield Guide to Smart Sugar Swaps
Everyone had a hand in creating this brilliant little book full of sugar advice and healthy recipes. It’s on sale in Sheffield Waterstones and local independent bookstores. But, if you haven’t bought a copy yet, here’s some of the info local parents, students, group leaders and business owners shared with us...

Advice on maximum daily sugar limits
It can be hard to keep up with the Government’s recommended guidelines, so we’ve included a section on the daily sugar allowances by age group. It gives you simple ways to find and understand information on food labels and a handy guide to how much is too much sugar in teaspoons.

Low-sugar recipes from weans to teens
We’ve tried to include recipes that will suit kids of all ages. You’ll find no-sugar ways to wean babies, ideas for healthy lunchboxes for school children and healthy alternatives to popular takeaways. Many of these recipes have been supplied by local families – Annabelle’s Hedgehog Loaf is a particular favourite!

Time-saving tips and tastier mealtimes
We want low-sugar meals to be quick and easy to make, regardless of how busy life gets. So, you’ll find plenty of time-saving tips and also some great ways to add flavour to your cooking without so much sugar. There’s a handy herbs and spices guide and also a section on preparing and using different vegetables to boost your five-a-day.

Don’t forget, buying a copy of the Sheffield Family Guide to Smart Sugar Swaps means we’ll gift one to another family who otherwise might not be able to afford one. You can also see if your local school or lending library has a copy. We are incredibly proud of this book and hope you’ll enjoy reading and cooking with it! Let us know what you think.