Everyone in the family can play a role in making healthier choices. From the food you eat during pregnancy to weaning your baby, making your children healthier packed lunches and swapping out those unhealthy sugar snacks for the grandchildren.

Hopefully, you’ve found lots of helpful advice throughout this website and see the health benefits of having a low sugar intake, you can also commit to something more personal and make a family pledge. Here are a few simple actions you could take…

  • Why Pledge?

    Your grandchildren are your pride and joy but try not to give out sweet snacks just because you know they love them.

    The kindest thing you can do for your grandchildren is limit the sugary stuff to help them be healthy.

  • Why Pledge?

    Being aware of much sugar you’re eating is the key to success. Making a few notes in a food diary every day will help the whole family keep up the good work.

  • Why Pledge?

    You don’t have to cut out sugar altogether. But try to reduce the amount of sugary snacks and drinks in the house or buy more low-sugar versions.

  • Why Pledge?

    Teenagers are constantly hungry, so have a bowl of fruit out ready for them to grab at all times. If it’s not in the cupboards, they can’t eat it. Try and limit the amount of sugary snacks you have in the house and keep what you do have in to a small number of fun size snacks or low sugar options to make it easier to keep on track.

  • Why Pledge?

    Why not ask your school to download some of the materials from this website? There are lots of helpful tools, from lesson plans to homework activities.
  • Why Pledge?

    It can take a baby up to ten times of trying a food before they like it. Try giving homemade pureed vegetables and mashed up fruit instead of shop bought ones – it’s healthier and cheaper!
  • Why Pledge?

    When you’re pregnant try to eat healthily and don’t eat for 2. Set yourself small goals like cutting out sugary drinks during the week or swapping that sweetened yogurt for a natural yogurt or chocolate cake for a small piece of cheese or fresh fruit.